I left Sunday for Florida with my friend, Bev. Her great niece and nephew who are both in second grade in Ohio asked us to help them with their school project with Flat Stanley and Flat Alyssa. I'm sure those of you in education know what I am talking about, but for the rest of you they are characters from a book who go on a trip. We stopped in every state from Ohio to Florida so they could see the sights. The picture of Bev is at Tamarack West Virginia - a rest stop were there are shops selling local hand made products. The picture of me is in downtown St. Augustine at the bay. For more info about Stanley and Alyssa, link to Bev and Stephs sight.
Abraham Lincoln said "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." I've made up my mind to be happy. My husband and I live on 15 acres in NE Ohio and while not perfect, life has been pretty good to us.