A few years ago, David bought me a book with 200 different crochet squares. This is my first project using it. I had to adapt the hour glass squares - the pattern in the book was more like a step pyramid. I haven't totally decided how I'm going to put them together, but I'm thinking four sections with these top nine blocks. Each section bordered with a complementary color and then sewn together. Hopefully I will have it done by fair time.
This is my first attempt at making a sweater. The collar ended up larger that it was supposed to be, but all in all it turned out okay. It's really supposed to go over a sleeveless top, but it was too cold this day, and I didn't want to wait.
Abraham Lincoln said "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." I've made up my mind to be happy. My husband and I live on 15 acres in NE Ohio and while not perfect, life has been pretty good to us.