I can't count how many things I have made over the years - and only once have I kept something for myself. So, I decided it was time to think of me! This is an afghan I just finished for my "Guest Bedroom" (currently Molly uses it the most). I have also started a wall hanging - but that's going to have to wait because I have some other things I have to make to give away!
You go girl!
BTW Lucia and I love her baby blanket... It's gorgeous. It's nice for you to think that the people you love have little touches of you in thier home. For example, we also have the pillow cases you made for us on our bed. I think of you and how talented you are everytime I see them. The question is- when are we going to make YOU something?
Gini, I LOVE this afgan! It is beautiful. Looks like you did a wonderful job. I know what you mean about making things for others. I made several placemants/napkins sets and I realized my own are bargain buys from Kohls!! What??
What a work of art.
Has this art been lost with your generation? I know Mandy and Riss had made afgan's in the past but can they still ? Can anyone else?
You made me a large afgan for my 8th grade graduation. It layed on my bed all through high school, went with me to Missouri, was folder over a hideous couch in my first home and has been snuggled in by my 3 kids. Since it is so heavy and big it now rests on Charlie's bed, with Aunt Nettie's quilt and Mom' afgan folded at the foot of his bed. He doesn't get to keep it though b/c I LOVE IT!
I do scrapbook though and have made Mom & Dad several books, maybe I should start making more for gifts.
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