Thursday, July 27, 2006

Flat Tire

On the way into work today, I started to hear the characteristic thud of a flat tire. I've never had to change a tire - though I remember Dad expaining how - and I have no intention of doing so. It's so great to have Chet around. I called him up and he came to fix the tire without ever having to take it off of the vehicle. He is so handy! On this truck he has to carry his air compressor - on the old one it was part of the truck and he only had to pull out the hose. Even if he hadn't been available - I know Carl would have come and changed it for me. I cannot begin to tell you how much I appreciate that!


Missy said...

Chivalry is not dead. I have had 2 flat tires in the last year and Terry has come to change both for me. WooHoo! Do you think they are talking it up with their buddies how they never have to fold laundry?

Mike Angie Patrick Aaron said...

AAA has changed my tires oh, and my principal once when I was teaching in WI. Don't think Mike has ever changed one for me and I have certainly never changed one and have no intention of doing it either. Glad you had Chet to come quickly to help you out.

Katy said...

I am happy to say I have changed my own tire!
I rock!
Kent once brought me gas tho' when I ran my tank empty.
Bad non-automobile-minded woman.

Mike Angie Patrick Aaron said...

Angie Lies - I did change a tire for her.

Mike and Annette said...

Like my daughter, I also have had to change my own tires. I would never be able to wait long enough to get an answer from Mike, or else he was be out of town again.
The hardest part is finding the jack!!!! How I envy you ladies with such husband. Chivalry is dead and Mike Obert killed it.

Chet and Gini said...

About a year ago we where having our office remodeled and there were several items that were being replaced that we could have. As I was taking a desk chair out to my Blazer, a young man on the work crew offered to help carry it. I was chatting with him as we walked to my vehicle and commented that I tell my kids that the reason I had boys was so they could carry things for me. He quipped "My Mom says the same thing!"

Missy said...

Oh hey I have changed tires. Once on a date with my first boyfriend I had to change HIS tire b/c he didn't know how. Then there was another time when 4 girlfriends & I got a flat on the highway. Some guy pulled over and started changing the back tire (it wasn't flat) I thought he was moving the good tire to the front and was going to put the spare on the back. Well he didn't. He changed the non-flat tire and said "Anything else? Have a good night." I didn't feel like saying "Dumbass that was the wrong tire." So I changed it myself. I'm just glad I don't have to anymore.