Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Poor Poor Pitiful Me

It is an absoulute gorgeous day outside today - a great day to be outdoors. Our company is hosting it's annual golf outing to benefit Easter Seals and I was supposed to there handing out tequila shots and cigars on one of the holes. Because of a staffing problem, I have to stay here to answer the phone instead. Don't you feel sorry for me? I'm even missing a steak dinner. I hear you Mom - I'll offer it up!


Missy said...

tequila shots and cigars? Wow. That stinks that you have to answer the phone - I feel sorry for you.

Mike and Annette said...

I hear her too, Gini. Earning those stars in you crown in heaven. But, What a bummer!!!

Obert Life is Good said...

You should have been playing golf, forget the shots and cigars