Monday, January 21, 2008

Molly the Watch Dog

Chet is out of town and left Molly in charge of homeland security. I think she needs further training. The electric went off sometime Saturday night. When our answering machine kicks on, a voice tells you to set the time and date. Around three in the morning I heard the voice, the electric click off, and the voice again in quick succesion. You would think that Molly would check out the strange voice - but no - she jumped up in bed with me shaking like a leaf! I guess it's my job to protect her!


Mike and Annette said...

Sounds like our Gracie. The only way Gracie would be of help was if the intruder would trip over her.

Rissa said...

Sounds like my Brutus too. One night during a night terror I began screaming, I thought Brad was an intruder. Brad said it took him about five minutes of shaking me before I finally woke up and quit screaming. I was screaming so loud that the next morning I didn't have my voice.
While Brutus, my wonder dog, the one I count on for protetion while Brad is away just slept through the whole thing.

Katy said...

Olivia unfortunatly has a pretty loud and ferocious bark... She likes to bark at the mailperson.