Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Real World

David had to come home this weekend to pick up a suit he ordered and said two really telling comments. The first was on Saturday morning around 10 when he said "Boy, it was really nice to sleep in this morning" and the second was as we were watching TV together he said "You know, it really sucks having to come home from work to make dinner. I can't imagine having to fix it for 4 people!" So, even though it may not seem like it now - someday they will appreciate you!


Mike and Annette said...

Isn't it a great feeling to know that they do appreciate something you do for them that seemed to be taken for granted for years. You can be very proud that he said it to you. How nice.

Missy said...

Something for me to look forward to!

Katy said...

Was she talkin' 'bout me?