There was a nun at my high school who was very tall and skinny. Her hair was short and stringy, and she had a name that was dorky - all perfect fodder for teenaged wit. She played the organ and piano, so sang and played at most of our masses. I didn't think she was very good. During class one day, she described her vision of heaven. It would be a perfect place, were we would all be perfect too. We would be able to do well whatever we wanted. She envisioned herself as a concert pianist. I don't recall what I thought of the story at the time, but it stuck with me. I realized later that when she was in church, she wasn't worried about being a great singer or pianist - she was offering up praise to God, and what He heard was perfect. I don't pretend to understand the mysteries of life or heaven, but I do believe in God. Not everything we do needs to be done perfectly - sometime perfect intent is enough.