Thursday, July 24, 2008

Okay Katy - we'll see what I get.

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.EVERYBODY PLAY! I want to see what memories are out there!


Katy said...

Let's get this ball rolling-

Well, Gini- you of course are my youngest aunt (I think). My favorite memory of you is in the Obert book when you and I went driving out to Buffalo Bill Homestead with the top down on the convertable. You were SO fun!
But most recently- At my wedding and at Liz's- I will always remember how you and Aunt Mar love to shake your stuff on the dance floor.
*And as for that song you mentioned- I call it like I see it. I'yam what I'yam.

Katy said...

OH! I almost forgot!
Us Obert Ladies singing our guts out at Karaoke! That was fun.

Anonymous said...

My first memory is David's preschool. That is where I met Gini. My daughter and David became best friends. As a result, I met my best friend for the last 22 years. Our kids grew up together and I have been blessed to have her continual friendship all these years. Thank you, Gini. Bev

Mike and Annette said...

Wow, I have know Gini for over 40 years now. I think the earliest memory I can conger up also is in a convertable. That old '58 Caddie Mike had before we were married. We all, you, Jim, Mom, Dad, Mike and I, were taking a 'Sunday drive'. And you kids, sang every sign along the road. Very funny, NOW!

Anonymous said...

I guess one of my fondest memories is when we took Carl to the Akron zoo and he fell asleep on my girlfriend. As a matter of fact I think I just gave you the photo of that day, only 20 some years later.


Rissa said...

My earliest memomory of you is the summer the whole family was at St. Pete's beach and you were laying out in a bikini on the dock at Grandma and Grabdpa's house with Shelly. I thought you were so pretty and elegant; I wanted to be just like you.

Chet and Gini said...

I have some catching up to do! I'll do Bubba 1st, then come back later for Nettie & Riss (maybe by then you will put this on your site). Bub, my earliest memories of you are really memories of stories about you. The first is of Mom and Dad talking about you coming to our wedding on a motorcycle - they really thought (still do) that was something special and unusual. The second is also about you and your bike. It was when Chet had his own company and you had pulled up behind one of his trucks in full leather gear. You asked the guys if Chet was there, or where you could find him. They thought you were rough looking and wondered if Chet was in trouble! Sorry Bub, but I can't imagine anyone thinking of you as scary!

Chet and Gini said...

Nettie - I remember that car, too. What I remember most is Mike spending (what seemed like) hours waxing it. I'm not sure what my earliest memory of you is, but I remember how generous you were in including us in your time with Mike. I also remember you making us breakfast on a Coleman stove when we where camping out. They seemed to taste so much better than ones made at home! And of course I have mentioned more than once then blackberry pies you made!

Chet and Gini said...

Rissa - I don't know if I've ever been elegant, but Mar tells me you are alot like me. Maybe it comes from being the youngest in the family. My earliest memory of you was as a baby at my wedding, and then later playing with Carl on a California beach. You were so cute getting to be "the big girl." A more recent memory is when I came to visit in Beaufort. You were so anxious to please and show us a good time - and you did! You were a gracious hostess and I'm glad I had the opportunity to get to know the adult Rissa better