Sunday, July 16, 2006

Stuck in the mud

Yesterday Chet took down the tree whose branch had fallen on our barn, so today he and Carl were cleaning up all the branches. He was pulling a chipper with his truck and decided to circle around the back of the yard to get at some more branches. With all of the rain we have been having, the ground was so slick he couldn't get back up the hill. Well, you know they were desperate when they asked for my help. He had to chained both the H and the C to the truck to get it moving. I drove the truck while they drove the tracters. Goes to show that new doesn't necessarily mean better - both IH tractors were built in the early 50's and the truck is a "Super Duty Ford" only a couple years old. I wanted to take a picture, but he wouldn't let me!

1 comment:

Missy said...

This makes me laugh only b/c I would be wanting to take a picture too and I can only imagine the look Terry would give me.