Unless it's a dog desparate to get out, I sleep through just about everything. So last night as I was sleeping I thought it strange that what sounded like garbage cans falling over would wake me up. I groggily wondered if it was the rain, or if we had a racoon trying to get at our trash. Well, it must have been the sound of aluminum snapping as a tree branch hit it. It could have been alot worse, though. It didn't hit the house, or more of the garage roof. Shortly after we moved here Chet insisted that we have the trees limbed, and even with the company discount, it was pretty expensive. I have been grateful before that we did it - but this is the most obivius example.
I'm happy you are all safe and sound.
Sounds like you have been raising a little thunder. Mike and Annette.
Sorry about the damage. I am glad no one got hurt.
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