Friday, June 30, 2006

Happy Anniversary

It would be Mom and Dad's 62nd anniversary on Sunday the 2nd. This is their wedding photo - I love the cat in the background! Can you imagine agreeing to marry someone with whom you have been exchanging letters and pictures, but haven't met face to face?


Mike and Annette said...

I remember asking Mom how she had the courage to get on that train and marry dad after a courtship of letters. Her answer was, you can get to know someone very well from their letters. Mind you this is the same woman who also taught us all to shred all those credit card applications and to trust no one. Thank God she trusted the right person. Maybe like me, she had learned to be less trustful as she grew older.

Mike Angie Patrick Aaron said...

Not me - I don't trust anyone because Grandma O told me there are a lot of weirdos out there.

She was right.

Katy said...

Don't forget the perverts!
I've seen this pic b4 but didn't know it was their wedding photo. Boy, have things changed!
That's neat.

Missy said...

I'm glad you posted this pic, I don't think Mom has a copy of this one. I didn't know they had never met face to face.