Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The joys of Country Living

When I got home last night, our well pump was running constantly. As Chet wasn't home yet, and I was going out, I just turned if off. Chet called me later to inform me that I had better bring home some water because we didn't have any in the house. We put in a new pressure tank last year, so that isn't the problem. Here I sit, waiting for the Well & Pump guy. The forced day off would be much more enjoyable if not for the fear it's not the pump (money) but the well (MUCH BIGGER MONEY).

Not as bad as it could have been, not as good as I'd hoped.
The problem was a hole in the rubber pipe coming up from the well. So, they had to pull it up and out. This is more complicated than usual in our case because our well is inside the house. They told me that if they couldn't get it out, we would have to dig a new well. What they didn't tell me was that they didn't expect to get it out - often they have to use a truck to help get it out. Fortunately ours came out. So we have a new galvanized steel pipe and a new well pump, and we are $1185 poorer. I keep telling myself at least we didn't dig a well, and hopefully the electric bill will also go down.


Mike and Annette said...

Oh the joys of being a homeowner.
Sorry about the unexpected expense. We just got the news on repairing the hail damage on the side of the house. Over $2,000. and I still have to have the roof inspected. OUCH! The only good news is that anything over $2,500. will be paid by insurance.

Missy said...

What a pain - sorry.