Wednesday, July 25, 2007


It's funny the changes you notice. I woke up in the night because the house was too quiet - and I couldn't get back to sleep. I supposed once you get used to something, it's absence makes you think something is wrong. They tell me our new pump will make very little noise, so I'll have to get used to that.
I took the girls out for a walk this morning and took my camera (well, it's really Chet's, but I won't go into that). I think I'm going to see something I'll want to share. If you've ever walked two dogs without leashes, you know you can't go anywhere unanounced. Which is why I was so surprised that we startled a hawk in a tree stump. Though we weren't close enough to touch, we were close enough for the girls to notice. Of course, by the time I got the camera out of it's case and on, the hawk flew into a tree. He didn't go very far, so I still had hopes. As I tried to get closer, he flew away. There was a small bird following his flight path exactly. I have seen this pair before - or one very like it. I couldn't see the small bird well, so I don't know if it is a juvenile, or another type of bird. I just imagined a daddy bird showing his boy how to fly (why do I assume they were male?). I don't even know if hawks do that. I'm so glad fantasies don't have to be hampered by reality - life would be so boring then!

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